Green Plaid Pants, Black Turtleneck + Fuzzy Bear Coat (Fall/Winter)

Outfit posts have been a bit uncommon here, but my taste for photographing and sharing my basic looks remains the same. As for blog's content, I have been more focused more on beauty related topics, but I do not want to leave the "fashion" altogether aside. This is officially the first fall/winter outfit I share.

Os outfit posts têm sido pouco frequentes por aqui, mas o gosto em fotografar e partilhar os meus basic looks continua o mesmo. No que toca aos conteúdos do blog, tenho-me focado mais em tópicos beauty related, mas não quero de todo deixar os looks totalmente de parte. Este é, oficialmente, o primeiro conjunto de outono/inverno que partilho.

Autumn will always be my favorite time of the year to photograph. The warm tones are irresistible (although on this day, my eyes also fled to other not so autumnal flowers) and it is inevitable not to want to capture all the nature details. Actually, it's honestly my favorite season. The cold arrives, the roasted chestnuts! Tell me, what is your favorite season?

Outfit posts have been a bit uncommon here, but my taste for photographing and sharing my basic looks remains the same. As for the contents of the blog, I have been more focused more on beauty related topics, but I do not want to leave the "fashion" altogether aside. This is officially the first fall/winter outfit I share.

Outfit posts have been a bit uncommon here, but my taste for photographing and sharing my basic looks remains the same. As for the contents of the blog, I have been more focused more on beauty related topics, but I do not want to leave the "fashion" altogether aside. This is officially the first fall/winter outfit I share.

Outfit posts have been a bit uncommon here, but my taste for photographing and sharing my basic looks remains the same. As for the contents of the blog, I have been more focused more on beauty related topics, but I do not want to leave the "fashion" altogether aside. This is officially the first fall/winter outfit I share.

Como prometido, eis o casaquinho (mencionado no post anterior) que tenho usado non-stop desde que o frio chegou. Sinto-me um ursinho sempre que o visto e acreditem, é mesmo muito quente! Estou apaixonada pelos fuzzy coats, e este já é um favorito. O outfit é todo ele Shein: desde a turtleneck, passando pelas plaid pants e pelo casaco.

Autumn will always be my favorite time of the year to photograph. The warm tones are irresistible (although on this day, my eyes also fled to other not so autumnal flowers) and it is inevitable not to want to capture all the nature details. Actually, it's honestly my favorite season. The cold arrives, the roasted chestnuts! Tell me, what is your favorite season?

As promised, here's the "bear coat" (mentioned in the previous post) that I have been wearing non-stop ever since the cold weather arrived. I feel like a teddy bear whenever I wear it and believe me, it's really warm! I'm in love with fuzzy coats, and this is already a favorite. The outfit is all Shein: the turtleneck, the plaid pants and the jacket.

Outfit posts have been a bit uncommon here, but my taste for photographing and sharing my basic looks remains the same. As for the contents of the blog, I have been more focused more on beauty related topics, but I do not want to leave the "fashion" altogether aside. This is officially the first fall/winter outfit I share.

Feeling like a teddy bear...

Outfit posts have been a bit uncommon here, but my taste for photographing and sharing my basic looks remains the same. As for the contents of the blog, I have been more focused more on beauty related topics, but I do not want to leave the "fashion" altogether aside. This is officially the first fall/winter outfit I share.

As calças não têm o tecido mais amigável para o tempo frio, mas foi amor à primeira vista. Desde o padrão axadrezado, as cores, o corte, o pormenor do zipper e a cintura subida - adoro tudo! São muito leves, pelo que vão ser perfeitas para os dias mais quentes. Já a turtleneck é um amor recente. Há muito que não usava golas altas tão justas ao pescoço, mas a verdade é que adoro como assenta (classy e intemporal!), e agora quero uma de cada cor.

Outfit posts have been a bit uncommon here, but my taste for photographing and sharing my basic looks remains the same. As for the contents of the blog, I have been more focused more on beauty related topics, but I do not want to leave the "fashion" altogether aside. This is officially the first fall/winter outfit I share.

The pants do not have the friendliest fabric for the cold weather, but it was love at first sight. From the checkered pattern, the colors, the cut, the detail of the zipper and the high waist - I love it all! They are very light, so they will be perfect for the hottest days. Now, the turtleneck is a recent love. I had not worn this type of tight collar for a long time, but the truth is that I love how classy and timeless it looks, and now I want one of each color.

Outfit posts have been a bit uncommon here, but my taste for photographing and sharing my basic looks remains the same. As for the contents of the blog, I have been more focused more on beauty related topics, but I do not want to leave the "fashion" altogether aside. This is officially the first fall/winter outfit I share.
Outfit posts have been a bit uncommon here, but my taste for photographing and sharing my basic looks remains the same. As for the contents of the blog, I have been more focused more on beauty related topics, but I do not want to leave the "fashion" altogether aside. This is officially the first fall/winter outfit I share.
(Having a Jon Snow moment)

O outono vai sempre ser a minha estação favorita para fotografar. Os tons quentes são irresistíveis (ainda que neste dia, o meu olhar também tenha fugido para outras flores não tão outonais) e é inevitável não querer captar todos os detalhes da natureza. Na verdade, é mesmo a minha estação favorita. O tempo mais fresquinho, as castanhas assadas! A única coisa menos boa (para mim) é a mudança de horário, mas tudo ok. Digam-me, qual é a vossa estação favorita?

Outfit posts have been a bit uncommon here, but my taste for photographing and sharing my basic looks remains the same. As for the contents of the blog, I have been more focused more on beauty related topics, but I do not want to leave the "fashion" altogether aside. This is officially the first fall/winter outfit I share.

Autumn will always be my favorite time of the year to photograph. The warm tones are irresistible (although on this day, my eyes also fled to other not so autumnal flowers) and it is inevitable not to want to capture all the nature details. Actually, it's honestly my favorite season. The cold arrives, the roasted chestnuts! Tell me, what is your favorite season?

Autumn will always be my favorite time of the year to photograph. The warm tones are irresistible (although on this day, my eyes also fled to other not so autumnal flowers) and it is inevitable not to want to capture all the nature details. Actually, it's honestly my favorite season. The cold arrives, the roasted chestnuts! Tell me, what is your favorite season?
Outfit posts have been a bit uncommon here, but my taste for photographing and sharing my basic looks remains the same. As for the contents of the blog, I have been more focused more on beauty related topics, but I do not want to leave the "fashion" altogether aside. This is officially the first fall/winter outfit I share.

I'm Wearing:
Black Turtleneck Sweater: c/o Shein
Green Plaid Pants w/ Zip: c/o Shein
Faux Fur Teddy Jacket: c/o Shein

Use code "thefancy15" on SHEIN for an extra 15% off.


O que acham do conjunto? Qual a vossa peça favorita?
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What's your opinion?

  1. Adorei o outfit, gosto de todas as peças e o casaco é muito fofo!

    As fotos estão lindas, o Outono dá-lhes um encanto único!

    Beijinhos e bom fim de semana <3

  2. Sempre linda, gostei do casaco
    Novo post //Intagram
    Tem post novos todos os dias

  3. adorei o outfit, o cenário das fotos e sem dúvida alguma esse casaco é a peça mais fofa de sempre (:

  4. Beautiful outfit :) Jacket seems really comfy

  5. Adorei o conjunto todo, mas confesso que o casaquinho deixou-me rendida!!!
    Não consigo optar por uma estação, acho que todas têm algo de especial. No entanto, o Outono é mesmo mágico, são as cores, os cheiros, os sabores, gosto muitooo!

  6. Esse casaco é uma fofura! :D

  7. acho que só usava as calças - talvez - mas resultou tudo bastante bem =)


  8. Essas calças são qualquer coisa!! Também gosto dos tons desta altura, e para fotos não há melhor!!

    In Beautyland || NABLA POISON GARDEN

  9. Você está MUITO LINDA nessas fotos ♥
    Não deixe de compartilhar seus looks, porque são sempre lindo e inspiradores.

  10. You should put more of fashion post, because your style is amazing

  11. love the coat! it looks so soft and comfy.

  12. Estupendo post! Muchas gracias por pasarte por mi blog! ☃️☃️☃️

  13. Amei o teu outfit como sempre é tão aconchegante e grita tanto pela estação do Outono.
    Ando á procura de um casaco assim que assente bem.

  14. estas fotos ficaram lindas :D

  15. Esse casaco é tão perfeito e fluffy! Eu quero muito apostar num! :D

  16. Adoro o look! 😃

  17. Such a lovely outfit! The pants and teddy coat are totally my style :)

  18. Adoro as calças e o top! ❤️
    Essa terceira foto está somente a perfeição 😊


  19. I love your fur coat!!

  20. Love your outfit and the pictures beautiful as usual! :)

  21. Amei seu look! Muito outono!!
    Eu amei sua calça, está super em alta né!
    Um beijo grande e muito GORDO

  22. Adoro o outfit! Não sei como é que ainda não conhecia o teu blog! Adoro :D
    Comecei a seguir

    3200 Degrees ❤

  23. A minha modelo fantástica e que já tenho tantas mas tantas saudades! Estás linda e esse conjunto está maravilhoso :D

